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      Cox's is committed to the community, our team, and our customers.  We look to play a positive role in our community by donating to non-profit organizations here in the surrounding area.

      Due to the large amount of donation requests that we receive on a regular basis we have put the following donation procedure in place. All donation requests must be received online by filling out the form below. Cox's/Evergreen Liquours management will review donation requests based on the following timeline:
      For all requests/events needed from March 1st through July 31s

      • Donation requests must be submitted January 1st through January 31st
      • Cox's/Evergreen Liquors Management will review requests in February and make determination on which donation requests will be fulfilled and which will not.
      For all requests/events needed from August 1st through February 28th
      • Donation requests must be submitted June 1st through June 30th
      • Cox's/Evergreen Liquours Management will review requests in July and make determination on which donation requests will be fulfilled and which will not.

      If your non-profit organization is interested in such a donation, please fill out this form.
      Our management will review the donation request and reach back out to you as we can.